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  • Writer's pictureGabriella Osrin

A Recipe to Kill Society

A Piece written in response to studying Farenheight 451 and 1984 in a Dystopian Literature course


 “My pen, accustomed to figures, does not know how to create the music of assonance and rhyme.”

Imagine living in a time where everything is rational all mathematical and no words to describe passion or love

2+2 can give you

The answers for probability and stats, science and math but that is of no use-

for there is no logical reason why we feel pain or feelings in a world blackened by censor for truth.  

The real dystopia is the overthrowing of creativity, the naivety that people encompass when living a life of numbers: O-90, I-three three zero, 22 hours

The whole part of art is to celebrate individualism but when that “I” turns to “We” for the sake of greater powers-

it is in unity that they are meant to stand together but divided they fall, ignited by the rage that turns to rebellion and rebellion the cause of all --



But do we want to live a life of constant struggle and rebellion to prove a point that should be so obvious?

For if beauty and poetry, if nature and love, the written word and song were something that could be expressed- not repressed by the “One state” not just in this story and others then would dystopia be a thing of the past and not the future?

The humor that these texts have us explore all end in the same punchline-

creating a society of mindless minions, the first thing to be banned is the rhyme

The books and writing: language is the source of life and knowledge that makes us power-

full of questioning of answers and answers to questions.

We see it with Babel whose fable shares the consequences of when language was not able to unite and society came to a standstill--- lost, devoid of true, truth,

truer words never spoken.

I respect statisticians but no one asks them how the butterflies fly or the colors of the sunset change perfectly to assemble day to night

No one asks them how a mother feels those first flutters of a baby in her belly or how spiders make webs perfectly intertwined- threads of life, like the threads between history or politics, biology, and philosophy.

And once you strip people of this ability to read or to write the rest follows suit in a desperate plight of scrambling to understand the world or so they’re told

Does day turn to night because of an equation?

No. This cannot be the situation.

So I guess the lesson these books are presenting is that literature cannot be banned or replaced for logic and rationality because raising a nationality on this foundation

Is the recipe for extermination

Life is made meaningful by the ways we describe it

So - 22 hours, 1984, Fahrenheit 451 is the thing of my nightmares, and these numbers are the ones to ascribe it.

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